Thursday, October 27, 2011

FAR FROM YOU by Lisa Schroeder

The Blurb
Lost and alone...Down the rabbit hole.
Alice thought she knew 
what solitude was:
Her mother—gone.
Her father—remarried with a newborn
in the icy embrace
of a deadly snowstorm,
Alice faces the true meaning of loneliness.
But hope 
may not be as far away
as she thinks....

The Afterglow
This book is pure genius! If you’ve never read a *verse novel before you must give it a try. Because the language is so sparse every word must be perfect—and they were. I love the way Lisa Schroeder broke up her sentences and chapters. She made the pacing superb.

I instantly connected to Alice and felt her every pain and joy. I wept through the entire second half I was so moved. I must get my hands on another Lisa Schroeder book soon! I’m a true fan :)

-Angie Cothran

*A verse novel is a novel written through the medium of poetry rather than prose.


  1. I'm always looking for novels in verse!

  2. I've still never read a verse novel. This one looks awesome. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Hey! Thanks for reading my blog.
    I LOVE Lisa. I read her book The Day Before (which I write about here: and thought it was absolutely amazing. I will definitely read this book of hers, too.

  4. New follower here! With reviews like this it makes me wonder why I write. Seriously, I just want to sit down and cozy up to the fireplace with this book. Thanks!
